Objective ethical decision
I am befuddled by our federal governments passion for the Royal Commission in to Trade Unions yet our AG, Brandis, cannot bring himself to accept that all facets of the Australian justice system are in fact institutions whose response to child abuse is a vital aspect of ALL Australian institutional responses to child sexual assault and therefore rightly belongs within the terms of reference for the Child Abuse Royal Commission.
I’ve no qualms about the wide impact of Union corruption on Australian citizens – BUT the impact of corruption within the Australian justice system is far greater on Australian citizens than Union corruption, however Brandis chooses to stick his head in the sand rather than use his morals and ethics to address the problem.
Let us also not forget that the Labour government also failed in this regard.
The irony of course is the fact that the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse has uncovered systemic failures to report abuse to the justice system. I’m confident that its findings will include recommendations that cases of abuse be reported in a timely manner. However it will be a futile effort on the part of the Commission if those cases go before a system which itself has not been subjected to the same ‘cleansing’ process.
This failure of both the Labour and Coalition renders the entirety of the Commissions endeavours pointless. A costly failure both in terms of financial and human capital.
Methinks, perhaps, there are too many lawyers on both sides of the House for Brandis to make an objective ethical decision.
Ursula Tunks, South Grafton