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Nymboida: clarification requested

  Clarence Valley’s councillors have unanimously supported Cr Karen Toms’ request for the tabling of a report to clarify issues involved in securing the valley’s water supply. Councillor Toms sought the report as a result of apparent confusion among councillors and council staff, which was the subject of a debate at the September council meeting. Clarence Valley Council, Essential Energy and the NSW Government are amid negotiations set out in heads of agreement, adopted by the councillors in June 2015; the outcome of which will resolve “the ongoing supply of water from, and responsibilities for, the Nymboida Power Station” and associated infrastructure. Essential Energy is the current licence holder and owner of the water supply infrastructure and the decommissioned Nymboida hydro power station. At the June meeting, councillors resolved to “delegate authority to the general manager to … continue negotiations and discussions” with the relevant parties and to “receive quarterly reports with updates on any progress”. It was the tabling of the quarterly report at the September meeting, which showed no progress had been made, that triggered Cr Toms’ request. At that meeting, there was a curious debate involving Cr Toms, the mayor, Richie Williamson, and works and civil director, Troy Anderson. Councillors Jim Simmons and Margaret McKenna also expressed a desire for clarification on several issues at the September meeting. Councillor Toms told her fellow councillors at the October council meeting that she thought it was “extremely important [that councillors receive the report], considering that at the last meeting there seemed to be confusion as to what we actually had there [at Nymboida]. “So I hope all of the councillors support it; I look forward to receiving the report so we can all get a better understanding of what we are actually negotiating for.” For a report on debate on the matter at the September council meeting, go to: