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More stable foundations for George & Mildred
About 3 years ago an Osprey began to visit the drying hose pole at Wooloweyah Rural Fire Brigade station. The brigade members named him George.
He would go fishing and bring his catch back and sit on the arm of the pole to have his meal.
Last year George built himself a new home on the top of the pole. He then got married and bought the new wife, Mildred, home to his nest. A family followed.
The dilemma the brigade members had was that every time a strong wind blew, George’s nest lost a bit more of its building material and the driveway into the station had to be cleaned up and became a hazard risk to members.
Wooloweyah Brigade approached the National Parks and Wildlife Service about a nesting platform/ basket for George & Mildred and they were happy to oblige and delivered the basket to our Brigade.
With the support of the community and donations raised by the Brigade. Earlier this month new nest was put up on the pole and within four hours the pair were back. Mildred on the nest and George in his usual spot, sitting on the arm of the pole eating his fish.