Community News

Media vie for ‘Golden Tongs’

The 2GF jocks are undergoing intense physical training in preparation for their annual Jacaranda Media Food Fight against the latte sipping scribes from Clarence Valley Independent on Jacaranda Thursday.

Claiming that “we must have won last year ‘cause the Golden Tongs trophy is sitting on my desk”, 2GF breakfast jock Richie Williamson won’t have a bar of claims that it was packed away with the eggs flips, tongs and serving trays he volunteered to wash up last year. “Washing up this year goes last year’s losers, I wish the Clarence Valley Independent well with that!” 

 2GF manager Paul Covington said his team were “at Winx like odds to retain the coveted prize”.

 “The 2GF / Clarence Valley Independent Jacaranda Breakfast has been the traditional start to Jacaranda Thursday celebrations for more than 40 years,” Mr Covington said. “This is the fifth year that we have had the Independent join us at the table. We considered upgrading their “L” Plates to red “P”s but it was voted down unanimously. We can’t wait to fire up the barbie to see which team can cook and serve sausages and eggs the quickest and the best.”

Local businesses have again thrown their support behind the breakfast donating goods and services to help feed 3000 early morning revellers.

“We are cooking up sausages from Holiday Coast Meats and eggs from Mid Coast eggs on Elgas barbecues served on Tip Top bread from Woolworths,” Mr Covington said. “Farmer Lous will once again have a range of fresh fruit to sample and Norco has promised to wash it down with fresh local milk.”

Other helpers include Grafton Hire which has a team who arrive early to set up tables and other equipment.

Be early as we start serving at 6:30am sharp and latecomers may miss out,” warned Mr Covington. Last year $560 was raised at the breakfast and donated to Riverside Care to help support local families in need. Proceeds this year will go to our local firies who have been magnificent battling many early spring fires in the area.