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McLachlan Park upgrade underway
Clarence Valley Council has commenced construction works on the next stage of McLachlan Park’s redevelopment.
On Sunday the camphor laurel trees, much loved by many in the community, were removed.
In a letter in today’s Independent, the Greater Maclean Community Action Group’s secretary, Ian Saunders, lamented the trees’ demise: “For generations of residents and visitors [the camphor laurel trees] were the welcome to the town and the ‘signature’ of the town.”
“The completed works, a CVC post on its facebook site says, “will include a viewing platform, picnic shelter, seating and tables, access ramps, a riverside walk that will link the two ends of the park, terrace seating walls, lighting, shade tree and perennial planting.
“The works will be largely completed by council staff, supplemented by local contractors and businesses.”
Works to be completed this week include the removal of trees and demolition of furniture.
A council spokesperson was unable to advise how long it would take to complete the project.