Community News
Maclean VIEW Club
A warm welcome to members and guests, it is unfortunate that some of our members have been ill or recovering from surgery. Our club sends best wishes to all and a speedy recovery and hope to see you, at our December Meeting.
Our guest speaker Helen Pye, gave a very interesting talk about silk. She told about where the silk came from, beginning with the mulberry tree the silk worm feeds on, to the end product. Helen had an exquisite display of her silk art. Thank you.
The December meeting will be a week earlier due to Christmas. The theme will be “dress in Christmas colours”. It will commence Thursday 10, at 9. 30am with a morning tea start and a smorgasbord luncheon. The cost $25. There will be a “Secret Santa” to the value of $10, if you would like to participate! Grace Hickey and Friend will entertain us. Ladies could you please bring a small plate for our morning tea.
Members, if you have a guest staying or would like to bring a friend or two to our luncheon, they will be made very welcome.
Apologies for December luncheon by Monday 7, to Denise Hope on 0439 414 796. Also if any special dietary requirements.
Sylvia Callaghan