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Maclean Hospital Auxiliary High Tea
Almost seventy ladies enjoyed a delicious High Tea hosted by the Maclean Lower Clarence Hospital Auxiliary last Friday which raised $865.
The afternoon started with a display of linen by Jenny, a representative from Lorraine Lee which is an Australian company based in Melbourne. She showed a beautiful range of goods including sheets, pillows and towels with all commissions from sales going to the auxiliary. She also generously donated raffle and lucky door prizes. Thank you, Jenny.
Fun was had with a game called “What’s in Your Purse?” and another one unscrambling anagrams of the titles of musicals. Chocolates were awarded as prizes.
The audience had a good laugh at two jokes read by Maggie Combley.
The winners of the lucky cup draw were Kay Patrick and Maggie Combley. Lucky door prizes were won by Dorothy Baker, Margaret Nolan, Alida Morley, Marie Scullin and Joan White. First prize in the raffle was won by Leigh Crowe, second was Tracey Apps and Miriam Hayden won third prize.
President Sandra Bradbury thanked the auxiliary members who provided the beautiful food and those who worked in the kitchen. Thank you to Rita Nutt and her helpers who made the lovely table decorations. Finally, thank you to all those who attended, thus helping to raise the funds which will go towards purchasing the latest equipment for Maclean District Hospital.
Maggie Combley