Community News
Maclean & District Orchid Society
Next meeting Saturday 21 May, plants benched by 1pm for judging, to begin meeting at 1.30pm. Venue: Presbyterian Church Hall, Church Street, Maclean. Includes lucky door and raffle prizes plus afternoon tea.
In April, Judges Choice Orchid winner was Peter Zylstra’s Cattleya, Rly. Pink Delight Popular Vote Orchid winner being Neil & Carol Campbell’s Phalaenopsis Ching Hua Magic ‘Flame Heart’. Our rose man, Syd Mattock got the double winner, both Judges’ Choice and Popular Vote for that stunning rose.
The recent Autumn Show at the Bowls’ Club provided us with more of nature’s beauty, the main champions including Neil & Carol Campbell’s Grand Champion Vanda Sharon Louise ‘Madam’; Reserve Champion, Terry & Penny Bird’s classic Paphiopedilum St. Swithin ‘Jill’; Culture Award to Brian Donaghy for Orpha. radicans; and the Encouragement Award this year to Robyn Randle for her Bulb. rothchildiana. Congratulations to every winner. President Terry Bird also gives thanks to all our members, sponsors, and supporters who contribute to the cheering success of the Show.
Penny Bird