Community News

Maclean & District Orchid Society

During our delightfully wet February meeting, just 46 lovely plants were benched.

Hopefully our president Terry can at last attend our next meeting. Guest speakers are Kevin Rose, president of Woodburn and our club judge, sharing his experience on soft-cane dendrobiums and flasking.

So come and learn more about the world of orchids.

In February, Judges’ Choice Orchid winner, Peter Zylstra’s Vanda Denisander tied with Peter’s other Popular Vote Rlc. Village Chief North ‘Green Genius’. Both Judges’ Choice and Popular Vote Flower winner, Brian Donaghy’s cream and red Gerbera.

Next meeting is on Saturday March 21. Plants are benched by 1pm for the judging. The meeting begins at 1.30pm at the Presbyterian Church Hall, Church Street, Maclean. Lucky door and raffle prizes are included, plus afternoon tea.   

Penny Bird