Community News

Lower Clarence Community Choir – Spring Concert

The Lower Clarence Community Choir is again presenting our annual Spring Concert. The Maclean concert will be held in the Maclean Civic Hall at 2pm on Saturday November 23 and our Yamba concert is in St James Church Yamba at 2pm on Sunday November 24. Please note the change of venue for the Yamba concert.

The Choir and the Maclean Music Ensemble have been busy preparing their music by Handel, Schubert, Offenbach, Tchaikovsky and Smetana, plus some folk songs, popular songs and music from stage shows.

Sister Anne Gallagher OAM will as usual be wielding the baton and our accompanist is as usual Mrs Gwen Berman OAM. We are so fortunate to be led by two such esteemed musicians. Both the Choir and the Ensemble have grown in size since last year, largely because our members enjoy making music together so much. We hope you enjoy our programme too.

Proceeds will go to the Westpac Helicopter Rescue Service, the Maclean Hospital Auxiliary and the Rural Fire Service. These three institutions serve our community so generously all the time. Tickets will cost $15 and $12 (concession) and school children will be free.  Afternoon tea will be available for $4.

For any further information please contact our president, Connie de Dassel OAM on 0409 476 425.

Sue Crowley