Community News

Barbara Linley (Pres LCCE), Victor and Peter Hudson. Image: contributed

Lions Club of Clarence Environmental pledges to help buy Black Cockatoo habitat

Over 40 members and Guests (from other Lions Clubs and Environment Groups) attended the Lions Club of Clarence (LCCE) February meeting.

Guests were warmly welcomed by Aunty Lenore Parker who emphasised the need to protect our local environment and fauna.

Everyone was keen to hear Victor Ostrosky talk about the endangered Black Cockatoo habitat in Gulmarrad which he is working to protect. Victor is working with the owner Carl Ferguson with a view to purchasing the land into community care for nature. His presentation was very informative and pointed out the value of keeping the area free from development and preserving it for Black Cockatoos, Squirrel Gliders, Powerful Owls, Emus and Rufous Bettongs and 70 native plant species.

The LCCE announced that it would pledge an initial $5,000    towards funds to buy the Gulmarrad area, and other groups and individuals were now starting to pledge their support towards buying the property.

The LCCE were also very grateful to receive generous donations of $500 towards the work of the LCCE from the President of the Yamba Lions, Peter Hudson, and President of the Maclean Lions, Deyann McDonnell. These donations will be used to help with our educational/awareness work including education about responsible cat ownership, the brochure about the Black Cockatoo project and our continuing work to protect the endangered coastal emus.

Anyone interested in finding out more about Victor’s project can obtain a brochure from LCCE or go to the Facebook page WildlifePreservationClarenceValley for more updates.

Prue Leggoe