The Yamba Lions Club has a pop up shop at Yamba Fair this week as part of Lions Awareness Week. Yamba Lions Club president Deyann McDonnell and Lion June Mascord promote their raffle prize; a bike. Image: Lynne Mowbray
Lynne Mowbray
This week is ‘Lions Club Awareness Week’ and the Yamba Lions Club will be connecting with the community through their ‘pop up shop’, at Yamba Fair.
The club will be promoting awareness of their work within the community and will have information on display, samples of the Lions Club Christmas Cake to taste; free Lions sample bags, as well as raffles etc.
The pop up shop will be open between September 25-29 and Yamba Lions Club president Deyann McDonnell hopes to not only draw awareness to the wonderful work our Lions Clubs do, but encourage others within the community to become members.
For more information about the Lions Club, visit the pop up shop at Yamba Fair this week.