
Lawrence sign


Lawrence has had a new bridge erected over the Sportsman’s Creek and with the change of road direction we were given a new welcome to Lawrence sign. This sign is on the Grafton side of the bridge and when not covered by vegetation, let’s our visitors know they are arriving in beautiful Lawrence. 

The very big problem is that you really have to be aware it’s actually there and then realise that it says Lawrence by turning your head on the side. Then you can see it reads Lawrence; that is if you’re quick. 

The sign is also peeling off and really is quite an embarrassment to who ever is responsible for it. 

I believe that with all the beautiful scenery around Lawrence that a more appropriate sign would have been erected. Do we feel like we are classed as 2nd rate citizens and our beautiful area is neglected… then the answer is YES.

So if Council and/or RMS are responsible then perhaps they should be ashamed and look further into a more appropriate sign  

I do believe we all pay rates and taxes and this is just not good enough.

Kathy Lawrence, Lawrence