Women brawling in the streets, huge birds bailing people up in outside dunnies, illicit stills, drunken policemen and dilapidated school houses blown off their stumps …..where was this lawless place? Belfast in the Troubles? Beirut? Australia’s Goldfields?
No…it was Iluka! All is revealed in the second historical publication by the Iluka History Group entitled Ä Glimpse into Iluka’s Past- More Fishing and Fond Memories 2019.
These and many more humorous, amazing and interesting stories have been collected and published just in time for Christmas.
The stories have been illustrated in a colourful and comical manner by members of the Iluka U3A Art Group.
They may be purchased from the Iluka Museum or by phoning Janet on 0407 627 892 to place an order.
The first volume was very popular, selling out very fast and being reprinted. It has sold out again but further copies will become available as funds allow.
Profits from the sale of the books will go to further improve the museum’s facilities and displays. Image: Contributed
Women brawling in the streets, huge birds bailing people up in outside dunnies, illicit stills, drunken policemen and dilapidated school houses blown off their stumps …..where was this lawless place? Belfast in the Troubles? Beirut? Australia’s Goldfields?
No…it was Iluka! All is revealed in the second
historical publication by the Iluka History Group entitled Ä Glimpse into
Iluka’s Past- More Fishing and Fond Memories 2019.
These and many more humorous, amazing and interesting
stories have been collected and published just in time for Christmas.
The stories have been illustrated in a colourful and
comical manner by members of the Iluka U3A Art Group.
They may be purchased from the Iluka Museum or by
phoning Janet on 0407 627 892 to place an order.
The first volume was very popular, selling out very
fast and being reprinted. It has sold out again but further copies will become
available as funds allow.
Profits from the sale of the books will go to further
improve the museum’s facilities and displays.