Tuesday March 15
Breezy Tuesday – but not a drop of rain in sight thankfully – and it was V. Beddow, J. McKenna, S. Butler who earned the Bowlo Bucks with a 2-shot win over M. Stone, G. Davis, I. Parker; runners-up were S. Lindsay, J. Pryor, J. Scadden d P. McKenna, J. Pearson, C. Cole. Consolation went to M. Parker, H. Atkinson who earned a sweetener by losing out by 2-shots only to L. Duncan, C. Ritale.
Two triples’ rinks and one of pairs made up the rest of the field with B. Latham, M. Abbott, R. Madden d A. Marr, J. Coulter, D. Atkinson; V. Terry, R. McPherson, G. Johnson d L. McLean, R. Moore, R. Smidt and a close one again by 2-shots with J. Madden, J. Abbott d B. Backshall, M. Jenner.
Thursday March 17
It was a sea of green today as everyone joined in the spirit of the day and wore their best Irish finery.
To kick off the day there was a bit of a competition to knock a creepy monster out with a bowl – this by none other than the lovely colleen – Helen Atkinson who took home a beautiful basket of green goodies – a ‘mystery prize’ donated by our wonderful Julie Coulter.
And it was a battle between the Black and the Red on this special St. Patrick’s Day bowls event – with three rinks of fours all hoping for the Luck of the Irish.
The lucky winners were J. Pearson, G. Davis, M. Parker and lucky again begorrah! – Helen Atkinson – but the defeated V. Beddow, J. Beaumont, R. McPherson, J. Abbott had to be content with the Consolation prize. Also on the greens J. Madden, M. Abbott, C. Ritale, W. Ballantyne defeated S. Lindsay, J. Pryor, R. Moore and J. Scadden and P. McKenna, R. McKibbin, J. Button and C. Aitchison defeated M. Wall, J. Stamp, V. Terry, C. Cole.
Continuing the 100-up competition there were three rinks today – P. Chilcott d M. Stone, L. McLean d B. Shatte and B. Backshall d C. Maz. The next rounds will be played on March 31.
Off the greens for a bite and a jar or two and a round of prizes for those lucky leads, seconds, thirds, and skips – all blessing their luck as they took home their bottles of wine donated by lovely Wendy Ballantyne.
And the loveliest colleen today – Chris Cole in her finest green took the prize.
After lunch there was a special cake in honour of Raels – also President Bev presented her with a lovely flower arrangement from Debbie May Flowers as we said goodbye to a dear friend and loyal supporter of the Club. Go well Raels – we wish you much happiness in your new abode. We’ll sorely miss you.
Club Triples close this Thursday 24 – make sure you have your entry in. Play starts Saturday April 2.
Also coming up – our finalists in the State Playoffs at Tamworth to be held on April 5 – 6 – Cathryn Aitchison (Singles) and Lois Duncan and Carol Ritale (Senior Pairs) are eager to go. All our best wishes for success go with our girls.
Sad to hear Rosemary Morris – a Past President of our Club – has passed away after a lengthy illness. Deepest sympathy to her loved ones.
On Shot