Community News

Grants up for grabs boating facility upgrades

Clarence and Richmond Valley councils, community groups and the local maritime industry should all consider applying for a piece of a $28 million cake set aside by the NSW Government for the purpose of making regional rivers more user friendly, according to Clarence Nationals MP Chris Gulaptis.

“The Nationals are among other things the party of fishers and farmers. We constantly seek to improve local boating facilities,” Mr Gulaptis said.

“Recent examples include new pontoons and boating ramps at Coraki and various upgrades and improvements at Iluka, Maclean, Yamba, Brushgrove and Lawrence.

“The funding, which comes from the proceeds of recreational fishing licences, is reserved for investment in modern infrastructure that enhances recreational experiences on our waterways.” Expressions of interest can be made from Friday 25 October 2019 via