Community News

Grafton VIEW celebrates 55 years of fun & friendship

Grafton VIEW Club celebrated a memorable, fun-filled 55th birthday at the Grafton District Services Club during Jacaranda week.

VIEW belongs to a unique organisation; a charity helping disadvantaged children, enabling them to create better futures. To help, all you need to do is to come along and share a meal each month with women of all ages. At the same time, there will be a guest speaker, who will enlighten, entertain and perhaps enlarge the perception of what it is to participate as an active community citizen. At these meetings friendships can be cultivated and maintained for a lifetime.

Presentation of membership badges. 30 years to Muriel Crossley Kay Lawson 10 years to Ruth Toyer

Everyone loves a party! Visitors included representatives from Valla Beach, Nambucca Heads, Macksville, Woolgoolga, Warren, Yamba Day Club & Urunga. Other groups represented were CWA, Hospital Auxiliary, Grafton Inner Wheel & The Walking Group.

The theme this year was “Poppies”, so colours of red and white adorned the room. Amid the decorations, National Vice President, Elizabeth Birch welcomed members and visitors to the beautiful Jacaranda City. She continued with a slide presentation of the Smith Family Centenary Celebrations, giving general updates about Australian VIEW Clubs. Following this, Elizabeth presented membership badges; 30 years to Kay Lawson and Muriel Crossley, and 10 years to Ruth Toyer.

The Caberet Belles
A feature dance by members of the Caberet Belles

The cutting of a huge birthday cake was carried out by Elizabeth Birch, Anne McLennan, Anne Marie Millea & Faye Stone.

Cutting the birthday cake are- National Vice President Elizabeth Birch (R-L) Anne McLennan Anne Marie Millea Faye Stone

Many Tombolas were drawn, and full baskets of prizes were presented to delighted winners. An impressive lunch was served, and during the meal, huge slices of birthday cake were placed on each table. Lucky door prizes were drawn, and entertainment was provided by the “Cabaret Belles”. Later, a Certificate of Appreciation and gift were presented to the entertainers.

Winners of the main raffle were Joy Lauder, Diane Mumbler, Kay Thompson, Annemarie Page, Sandra Simpson, Jan Tobin, Jeanette Calvi, Julie Ryder and Norma Merlino. President, Faye Stone, thanked the decorating committee, all helpers and hostesses, members who donated raffle prizes, tombolas, trading table items and The Hope Chest for selling tickets, also the GDSC for the venue and support.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday November 22, commencing at 10am at the Grafton District Services Club, Mary Street, Grafton. You are warmly invited to come along, enjoy a tasty meal with entertainment, and at the same time you will support children in need. Please phone Vorna at 6642 4719, no later than 9am on the Friday before the meeting.

Jeanette Calvi