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Grafton United Hospital Auxiliary
The Grafton branch of the United Hospital Auxiliary held its May monthly meeting on Monday 22, with 28 members present and eight apologies. The motto was recited.
Acting CEO Peter Jeffrees addressed the meeting, advising Dan Madden is due at Grafton Base Hospital later in the week. Mr Jeffrees spoke of his time in Grafton and acknowledged the good work done by the UHA.
The long awaited ambulatory ward is back in the news with the hope it will be started before too long.
In February 2017 a new security officer was appointed to assist in the safety of the staff, patients and hospital. Don Kirby is a well-liked and friendly addition to the hospital and the UHA wish him well.
Crazy whist will be held on Monday June 19, commencing at 1pm and held in the education centre at the rear of the hospital. If you would like to come along for a fun afternoon with lots of laughs, ring Gwen on 6644 9409 or just come along on the day. Afternoon tea is provided.
The next monthly meeting will be held on Monday June 26 in the education centre, commencing at 1pm. If you would like to become a volunteer with the UHA we would love to see you. Inquiries can be made by phoning 6644 8329 or come along to our meeting.
Elizabeth Holdway