Community News

Grafton Senior Citizens, May coach trip

Grafton Senior Citizens recently held their May coach trip, a scenic drive to beaches south to Scotts Head, on a cool, autumn day, with 46 passengers.

We travelled south through Coffs Harbour to Urunga, where our picnic morning tea was enjoyed in local park and then continued through to Hungry Head, to view Valla Beach and then to Nambucca Heads, where we took in the view from the lookout, had photos taken at the mosaic in town centre, then a short visit to V wall.

We continued south to Scotts Head, where all enjoyed an arranged lunch at the local bowling club. This was followed by a drive around to view the town, then through Grassy Head, and a drive around Stuarts Point. We then travelled through Macksville and on to Coffs Harbour for afternoon refreshments, before final journey home to Grafton on Orara Way.

Sincere thanks to coach captain, Tony, for a good day, all passengers for their support, all committee and everyone involved in arranging the trip, organising and serving picnic morning tea.

Next bus trip is a day to a mystery venue, on Friday June 28, with seats still available.

The seven day tour to Lake Macquarie area from August 16 has been finalised, but reserves will be noted.

A pie and pea day, with morning tea, and lunch of pie, peas, potato, and gravy, plus games and trivia, will be held on Monday June 17, with more bookings welcome. A member’s barbecue will be held on Monday July 22, and tickets will shortly go on sale.

Enquiries and bookings, for trips and other activities, at Seniors rooms, at monthly meetings on the second Tuesday, or any Thursday morning, with tour organiser / publicity officer, Sandra on 6642 7720. Remember the seven day rule for trip cancellations.

More support of all senior’s activities will ensure their continuation.

Sandra Connelly