Community News
Grafton Senior Citizens AGM
Grafton Senior Citizens recently held their AGM, with an attendance of 80, and 15 apologies.
President, Irene gave a report, thanking Mary E, (secretary) for all her work, and for quarterly newsletter, Mary R, Nina, and Robyn for raffles and trading table, Sandra for trips, and all involved with special activities. She mentioned we had welcomed 40 new members during year, and meeting attendance had risen from 56 to 71. She thanked retiring committee, and wished them well, and thanked all committee for their work.
Treasurer, Brian, read a statement of group’s financial position, which is very healthy.
Sandra read a report on trips, and publicity for year. A 7 day tour to Lightning Ridge, and 6 day trips during year have all been successful.
One extended tour and 6 day trips are planned for this year. Sandra thanked all for their help and support of trips, including coach captains. Publicity reports have been done for each meeting, trip, and special event. Wednesday carpet bowls group is still successfully run by a sub – committee, ensuring its continuation.
All positions were then declared vacant and David Owen, of our Solicitor group, conducted elections for new committee, with Brian Hall nominated for Treasurer, all other six executive positions not attracting any nominations, but Brian also agreed to be Secretary.
Sandra Connelly was nominated for Tour Organiser & Publicity Officer, and the following committee were also elected: Barbara Fraser; Kay Whiteman; Ann Moran; Gloria Watters; Nina De Amyand; Robyn Worrell; Betty Doggett; Charlie Doggett; Vicki Meyer; Barbara Sanders.
There are still vacancies for three more on committee, including President. An informal meeting was held to allocate duties, and these will be formalised at next committee meeting, at which Patron, Trustees, Hon. Solicitor, will be resolved.
Members are reminded of future bus trips as follows: Murwillumbah, Margaret Olley Art Centre, Friday, April 8, with still plenty of vacancies; Outback Spectacular, Sunday, June 26, almost full; 7 day tour to Port Stephens from Friday, August 19, virtually full. Also, special activity, soup & games day, Monday, April 18, has just gone on sale.
Members are also reminded that annual fees, still $5, are now due, and new members will be most welcome.
Next meeting is at 10.30am, Tuesday, April 12.
Sandra Connelly