Community News

Grafton Senior Citizens

Grafton Senior Citizens recently held their February meeting, with attendance 77, apologies 12. All activities have now resumed for new year.

Birthday wishes to those celebrating during month. Best wishes to anyone on sick list, including Val Collins, Ivan Parker, Elaine Gorham, Glenn Swift. Sincere sympathy to the family of Sheelah Stenhouse, who passed away in late December, and to the families of Bill Goddard, John Radley, Pat Roberts, who all recently passed away.

Welcome seven new members include Roy Willis, Kathy Smidt, Helga Kunde, Susanne Jacquin, Carmel Newsome, Malvena Dick, Sandra Seyner.

Guest speaker, ambulance officer, Rachael, spoke about the operation of defibrillators. Racecourse staff joined us for the information.

Correspondence in: financial statement from Westlawn Finance; thank you card from Faye Marting, emails concerning grants, and possible future guest speakers.

Correspondence out: letters to new members, sympathy and get well cards.

General business: latest NSW & North Coast seniors papers available; annual membership payments are now due; all members responsibility to keep room clean; members with pension or seniors health care card can apply for regional seniors travel card at Service NSW, King Street; open day for Senior Festival, Thursday morning, February 13, with craft display, trade table, morning tea; there will be a barbecue on Monday May 11, in lieu of soup day.

First bus trip for 2020 is day trip to open garden at Coorabel, and Maritime Museum at Ballina on February 28, still has spare seats.

Day trip to Glen Innes and Emmaville on March 27 to view mine museum, also has spare seats.

The eight day tour to Moree, St George, Charleville, Roma, and Toowoomba, is virtually full, but reserves will be noted.

Tickets for the May trip to Coffs Harbour attractions will go on sale at March meeting.

Expressions of interest are being taken for possible trip to Daniel O’Donnell show in late August or early Sept.

Competition winners: B. Doggett; D. Bailey; G. Holloway; H. Cashel; B. Cavanagh; D. Schuhmacher; J. Cavanagh; A. Grennan.

Enquiries on activities, trips, and membership, can be made with publicity officer, Sandra on 6642 7720.

Next meeting is Tuesday March 10, at the earlier time of 10am and will include the AGM.

Sandra Connelly