Grafton Senior Citizens recently held November general meeting, attendance 55 members, apologies 20.Guest speaker, member, Sandra Connelly, spoke about experiencing several floods over a 30 year period while living in Brushgrove.
Now living in Grafton, she also expressed concern that with the levee, Grafton residents have come to believe they are safe, have become complacent and have a false sense of security.
She stressed that in the event of a major flood, the need to be aware of the possibility of having to evacuate, and being prepared, by knowing where you would go, how you would get there, and what you would take.
She also stressed that in the event of a flood, it is important to listen to the radio, and be prepared to follow instructions from SES.
Birthday wishes to those celebrating during month. Best wishes to anyone on sick list.
Welcome new members, Margaret Perry.
Correspondence in: thank you card from Betty Rogan following bereavement; letter from Commonwealth Bank on available services.
Correspondence out: letter to new member. Treasurers report tabled and accounts for payment authorised.
General business included: latest NSW & North Coast seniors papers available; latest Seniors Revolution also out; Mention made of books at rooms. Donations of groceries for Christmas competition still being accepted. Suggestion for barbecue in See Park will be investigated next year. Members reminded level 4 water restrictions are in force.
Thoughts and prayers are extended to all those affected by bush fires, and sincere gratitude to all fire fighters and emergency services workers for their continual efforts under extreme conditions.
Successful bus trip to Yamba for river luncheon cruise was recently held.
Bus trip to Mylestom for annual picnic on November 22 is the final for year and still has a few spare seats.
Tickets for the first trip for 2020 (a day to an open garden at Coorabel, and Ballina Maritime Museum) have just gone on sale, and there are plenty of spare seats.
Tickets for an eight day tour to Moree, St. George, Cunnamulla, Charleville, Roma, Miles, Toowoomba areas from August 15 next year are on sale are there are still some spares.
New members, over 50, welcome. Enquiries, or bookings on trips or special activities, at meeting, or any Thursday morning, at Seniors room, Kensei Lounge, Racecourse, Powell Street or with publicity officer, Sandra, 6642 7720.
Regular meeting competition winners : B. Townsend; N.
de Amyand; R. Miller; S. Gibson; E. Mulherin; R. Jackson; K. Watkins;
B. Smith.
Next general meeting, Tuesday December 10 starting at 10.30am.
Sandra Connelly