
700 yard

Grafton Rifle Club Full-Bore shoot

Saturday June 10

12 shooters met at 1pm on Saturday at the usually tricky 700 yard mound. Conditions were pleasant with a sneaky breeze coming from both the right then the left.


Competition in Target Rifle was close with 3 possibles being shot by Steve Small, Nick Abrahall & Peter Brown. Steve Small taking the Off-Rifle prize and Dave Gillies taking the Handicap. Sue Bloomer shot the only possible in F Standard taking both the Off-Rifle and the Handicap prize. Peter Brown shot 2 possibles in Hunter Class scoring 50-7 and 50-6.

Full-Bore shooting will commence from the 800 yard mound on Saturday June 17.

700 yard Mound

Target Rifle                   Score 1           Score 2           Off-Rifle         Handicap

Steve Small                     50-4                 49-6                 99-10               100.5

Nick Abrahall                 49-3                 50-6                 99-9                 99.5

Wayne Pearson               49-3                 48-5                 97-8                 97.5

Peter Brown                    50-4                 47-4                 97-8                 97.5

Dennis Hilton                  48-4                 47-4                 95-8                 99

Dave Gillies                    43-0                 46-1                 89-1                 101

Ian Griffiths                    36-0                 40-0                 76-0                 83.5

F Standard

Sue Bloomer                   57-3                 60-6                 117-9               125

Andrew Kattenhorn        59-2                 53-1                 112-3               119.5

John Bloomer                  55-3                 56-4                 117-7               113

Phil Donoghue                57-2                 53-1                 110-3               110

Hunter Class 

Peter Brown                    50-7                 50-6                 100-13             100.5

Tim Gallagher                 41-0                 41-1                 82-0                 82

David Gillies