
Shooters aim for the target. Image: GRC

Grafton Rifle Club

Results from the GRC Full Bore shoot Saturday March 11.

Nine members attended this week’s meeting shooting from the difficult 900 yard mound. Conditions were overcast & humid with threatening rain and a light breeze from the East. The overcast conditions helped reducing the mirage resulting in some high scores in both Target Rifle & Hunter Class.

Shooters aim for the target. Image: GRC

A total of 8 possibles were shot with Nick Abrahall shooting two and Peter Brown scoring one in Target Rifle. Nick taking the off rifle prize and Pere taking the handicap. Nick & Peter scored two possibles each in Hunter class with Peter taking the off rifle prize which included an impressive 50 with 9 & Nick with a 50 with 7. Shane Budd won the Handicap with 103.5 also including a possible 50 with 4.

Target Rifle                   Score 1    Score 2      Off Rifle   Handicap

Nick Abrahall                 50.4          50.5            100.9       100.5

Peter Brown                    50.3          49.4            99.7         100.5

Wayne Pearson               45.2          48.3            93.5          96.5

Dennis Hilton                  46.1          48.6            94.7          96.0

Steve Small                     48.1          47.3            95.4          96.0

Dave Gillies                    35.2          40.1            75.3          84.5

Hunter Class

Shane Budd                     49.4          50.4            99.8         103.5

Peter Brown                    50.4          50.9            100.13     100.5          

Nick Abrahall                 50.7          50.5            100.12     100.5

Dave Lancaster               46.3          47.3            93.6          97.0

Dave Gillies                    42.1          41.0            83.1          91.0

Mitch Lovell                   36.1          44.2            80.3          80.0

F Standard

Andrew Kattenhorn        52.2          52.2            104.4       108.5

Dave Lancaster               42.0          47.0            89.0         100.5

Dave Gillies