Community News

Grafton Floral Art Society Inc

Chairing the meeting of the Grafton Floral Art Society, President Lyn, welcomed members in attendance.

Mention was made that she has received further communication from the Cancer Council re our morning tea.

Member Janni Walker, who is also a floral art section steward at the annual Grafton Show, advised that one revision was to be made in the Floral Art Section 11 schedule. Upon discussion of the changes in rules of the Floral Art Assoc of NSW it was resolved only a minor alteration was necessary.

Lyn advised that the date of the Christmas function has been confirmed.

Leonie Roberts was welcomed to the meeting and presented a certificate of appreciation to the Society for their sponsorship and participation at the previous Grafton Shows.

Leonie also brought to members attention the “Festival of Flowers” organising.

Janni Walker was the demonstrator for the meeting and demonstrated five different designs. Firstly, in a square container covered with raffia, she placed a mixture of flowers, grevilleas, kangaroo paws and Geraldton wax with foliage in a symmetrical design, next followed a modern design in a low bowl with small piece of skeletonised weathered wood, and placed lemon crucifix orchids throughout. Her following design, in a tall dark green container featured three shades of foliage’s, grey, burgundy and lemon in a symmetrical arrangement. In a white square container, mixed colourful flowers stood tall, being gerberas, purple salvia and mixed coloured foliage’s. The final contemporary design was stunning in a cream rectangle container, tall white rose buds stood on one end and short stemmed rose buds on the opposite end, the mechanics were covered with seaside statice. Some leaves, when looking at the underside, are most attractive and can be used as filling.

A reminder that the next meeting on October 10, will be hands on exercise with further practice in the manipulation of foliage and leaves. 

Lyn Hayman