Owing to the absence of our president, Lyn, vice president Doreen took the chair, at the Grafton Floral Art Society meeting. An apology was received from Lyn and was accepted.
Correspondence was tabled in connection with the NSW Floral Art Association, inviting Doreen to be co-patron, together with Margaret Higgins. All members concurred that Doreen well deserved this honour, which she has accepted, and congratulations were in order.
A sympathy card was signed by all, on the passing of Elaine’s husband, and a get-well card to our friend at the Whitehouse, Ann Sinclair who has been hospitalised.
The schedule was tabled for examination prepared by a committee for the floral art section at the 2020 Grafton Show. The secretary has the situation in hand.
Leonie Roberts was welcomed to the meeting, with examples of accessories that may be of assistance at the ‘Festival of Flowers’ and many opinions were expressed to assist with designs.
As it was a hands-on meeting, and owing to drought conditions, only one design was tabled to be assessed, being a low basket containing lemon scrimp plant and a small variety of trimmed umbrella grass.
Fetes, garage sales and opportunity shops are a rich source of finds for floral art.
Members are reminded that the next meeting on September 26 will have a nominated demonstrator and everyone is most welcome to attend.
Lyn Hayman