Community News

Grafton Branch CWA

Our February meeting was held on Friday, February 12 and 22 members attended. We are getting ready for busy month ahead. A How to Cookery Day held at Coffs Harbour CWA rooms on the 17th with Gloria Hyatt (cooking judge). Gloria pointed out the do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when entering cooking for judging and was able to answer any questions from the members. A fashion parade courtesy Black Pepper in aid of ovarian cancer research on 23rd at the Masonic Hall in Bacon Street was attended by 108 people, an overwhelming response. Four models graced the floor to show off the lovely fashions. Talks were given by Sue Webb, Diana Tratt and Donna Lewis and morning tea was provided by our members. The big day we have all been waiting for finally arrived, I am talking about the Cooking and Handicraft day held at Glenreagh on March 2, a day when we are judged, along with other branches. Well I am very pleased to say we did our Grafton Branch proud with the following entries taking out first place and will be going to state for judging along with other branch winners. First prize in cooking section for light fruit cake – June Neilley; marble cake – Jan Gillett; lemon sour cream cake – Annette Douglass; Ruth Melouney – Kiwifruit jam; Carol Smith took out first prize for her zebra cake and Overall Champion for the cooking section. Land handicraft section first prize went to Ruth Melouney for her covered diary, and Annette Douglass – crocheted milk jug cover. Congratulations to all the winners. On Wednesday 16, six members will attend Group Council meeting at Chatsworth Island. Judy Richardson AM Past State President will be attending the official opening of the CWA building at Mascot on March 23. Handicraft meeting days are Monday 14th & 28th. Members to bring to next meeting a favourite poem. Garry Reardon of the Fire Department will be our guest speaker for our next meeting to be held on Friday March 11 at 9.30am at our Rooms corner Duke and Pound Street and new members are most welcome. Jan Gillett