Community News

 Grafton and District Garden Club ‘High Tea’

At our last meeting we were led by Rosie in discussions about many interesting topics including hungry, hungry Monolepta beetles.

Actually, no-one had a kind word to say about them and their skill at stripping a garden bare.

On the other hand, the Hover Fly information was very popular. A great pollinator and a destroyer of aphids. What’s not to love? We had a demonstration of how to make a Hover Fly lagoon to place in the garden for them to breed in. 

Also, some interesting history about the White Jacarandas we have in town that are actually grafted on to purple Jacaranda stock and the fact that Apollo Eleven Park in Turf Street is home to several rare trees.

After our meeting we enjoyed a stroll around the lovely and colourful garden of one of the Clarence Village residents who invited us to take a look. It is obviously a well-loved and tended garden, and we really appreciated the invitation.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday May 4 at the Joan Muir Centre, 194 Turf Street Grafton from 10am to midday.

Instead of our usual meeting we are holding a High Tea to raise money for the Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser. Entry for this month only is $10 which includes morning tea and a raffle ticket.

We will also have our Bring and Buy table so if you have some plants, cuttings or produce you would like to donate, they are greatly appreciated. All money raised on the day will go towards the Cancer Council so we hope you can make it.

You are also welcome to bring a friend but please RSVP by May 1.

You can email or ring Leanne on 0427 432 033.

Jane Rhodes