Community News
Glenreagh Timber Festival attracts huge crowd
Lynne Mowbray
A huge crowd attended the annual Timber Festival on Saturday, at the Glenreagh recreation grounds.
The early timber industry in the area dates back to the mid-1800’s and took off when the country began to open up and timber was needed for both rail and road construction.
The community of Glenreagh (under the umbrella of the Glenreagh Progress Association) aims to preserve the skills developed by the timber industry for future generations to enjoy and appreciate.
The annual Timber Festival celebrates this heritage with a day of wood chopping competitions and displays.
This year the community of Glenreagh celebrated it’s 11th annual Timber Festival with a number of attractions, including; woodchop and sheepdog trial demonstrations, blacksmith workshop, vintage car and tractor display, Reptile World display, children’s amusement rides along with raffles and a variety of market stalls.