
GDSC women’s bowls

Welcome to the last bowling news for 2019.

Last Thursday was the final night of our twilight competition and the nightly winners were: T. Peterson, P.Kleindiest, J. Keindiest; runner up was won by D. Fitzimmons, M.King, C.Nixon and the lucky losers were M.Powell, W. Powell, K.Garner.

Resting touchers were won by T. Coleman and W. Powell.

With our eight week competition going down to the final game it ended up a very close competition: 5th place with 25points was won by D. Fitzimmons, M. King, C. Nixon; 4th place on 26 points was S. Gerathy, K. Napper, B. Napper; 3rd place with 27 points was S. Taylor, H. Barnier, G. Harrison; 2nd place finishing with a whopping 9 points and a total of 30 points was J. Kliendiest, P. Kliendiest, T. Peterson, and the winners who led all the way with 37 points was M. Powell, W. Powell, R. Power. Congratulations to all our winners. Everyone had a great night and all went home with a box of chocolates.

Thank you all for coming and we may have another competition in the new year.

We would like to thank the GDSC for their support in providing the prizes each night, it is very much appreciated by the ladies Club.

Wishing everyone safe and Happy Christmas.
