
ABOVE: Our Tuesday winners from Grafton District Services WBC were Mary Elliott, Marie McClaer, Jo Pugh and Joyce Weatherstone.

GDSC Jacaranda Carnival

ABOVE: Our Tuesday winners from Grafton District Services WBC were Mary Elliott, Marie McClaer, Jo Pugh and Joyce Weatherstone.
ABOVE: Our Tuesday winners from Grafton District Services WBC were Mary Elliott, Marie McClaer, Jo Pugh and Joyce Weatherstone.
  This week we held our annual Jacaranda Carnival which started with us hosting morning tea for the Jacaranda Party and invited guests. This year we welcomed teams from Maclean, Casino, Urunga, Yamba, Sth Grafton, Park Beach, Ballina and a team all the way from Mackay. Tuesday results: Resting touchers Round 1 – M. Crelley; Round 2 – P. Harvey; Round 3 – K. Hudson. Resting toucher trophies were donated by our Life Member Beryl Power, many thanks Beryl. Neatest Card: Round 1 – R. Foley; Round 2 – D. Allison; Round 3 – C. Nixon. Round 1: Winners were S. Mandelc, G. Cupples, M. Andrew and E. Whitford; Round 2: M. Moran, E. McKew, G. Ryan and C. Kane; Round 3: J. Brown, L. North, P. Russell and J. Monks. Tuesday winners: M. Elliott, M. McClaer, J. Pugh and J. Weatherstone. Runner’s up were L. Leyshan, S. O’Brien, M, Ahern and R. Meng. We would like to thank Tuesdays sponsors Westlawn and the Grafton District Services Club for their continued support towards our Annual Carnival. Wednesday results: Resting touchers Round 1 – G. Linaker; Round 2 – P. Russell. Neatest Card: Round 1 – C. Power; Round 2 – D. Limeburger; Round 3 – S. Squires. Round 1: Winners were B. Gawned, L. Earea, J. Meinel and J. Wright; Round 2: M. England, H. Hardwick, I. Allgood and M. Owen; Round 3: L. Rae, D. Limeburger, M. Adams and C. Jory. Wednesday winners: S. Willis, I. Pettit, B. Fane and A. Pilkington. Runners up: J. Pugh, P. Sutton, A. Williams and B. Murray. Today’s play was sponsored by Retire Invest and the Grafton District Services Club and it was lovely to have Craig from Retire Invest come along and award the trophies. Monster competition winners: 1st – M. Finn; 2nd – T. Smyth; 3rd – M. England; 4th – D. Rankin; 5th – M. Whitton; 6th – L. Burt; 7th – M. Brotherston; 8th – J. Grady. President Dawn would like to thank her Committee for all their help in getting this Carnival organised, also to all our members who donated prizes for our competitions and helped in any way. Joan and her Social Committee, Annette and the Match Committee, you all do a wonderful job. Thanks must also go to our umpires Alex and Mike, and to Maureen for organising our competition tickets always a big help. Thank you also to the Green keepers and the catering staff of the GDSC. Hope to see you all again next Jacaranda. Kitty