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The Fire + Rescue Firefighter Training Simulator in Yamba on Thursday last week. Image: Lynne Mowbray

Firefighter training simulator visits Maclean and Yamba

Lynne Mowbray|

The Fire + Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Breathing Apparatus (BA) truck visited the Lower Clarence valley last week to conduct training exercises, during its bi-annual visit.

The truck was in Maclean on Wednesday night and Yamba on Thursday night. The Firefighters were put through training exercises for: structural fires, search and rescue techniques, building teamwork, use of the correct gear to achieve excellence in the field, to help protect their communities.

The Maclean F+RNSW firefighters during exercises last week. Image: Lynne Mowbray
Maclean F+RNSW firefighters Andrew Tom and Rory Weekes, during training exercises last week. Image: Lynne Mowbray