From the Newsroom

The planned layout of Glencoe Lifestyle Resort at Gulmarrad. The developer Lincoln Place is seeking permission to construct the 250 manufactured homes on site. image: contributed

Developer applies to build 250 homes on Gulmarrad site – again

Rodney Stevens


Public submissions are open after the developer of the 250 manufactured home Glencoe Lifestyle Resort at Gulmarrad again lodged a review of its Development Application with council so it can build the homes on site. 

When Clarence Valley Council CVC approved the Development Application DA for Lincoln Place to construct the ‘Lifestyle Resort’ on June 28, 2021, it was on the understanding the 250 homes were to be constructed elsewhere and moved to site on Brooms Head Road near Sheehan’s Lane.

At the August 2022 council meeting, Stimson Urban and Regional Planning applied on behalf of Lincoln Place to have a condition of the development consent modified to allow construction of the homes on site by modifying condition 86 of the development consent.

Council heard three submissions were received raising issues including that the number of houses would increase to 600, construction hours and noise, traffic impact, impact on surrounding residents and the significant difference of onsite manufacturing to what council originally approved.

Stimson Urban and Regional Planning submitted a 10-page construction management plan detailing safety, operating hours and noise controls, air and dust management, stormwater and sediment control, waste and materials, traffic and parking, and flora and fauna protection, plus a 19-page objection report under section 82 of the Local Government Act 1993.

At the August meeting, a motion by Cr Karen Toms and seconded by Cr Allison Whaites to permit the construction of the homes onsite, with conditions, was defeated 5-4 when Cr’s Clancy, Day, Johnstone, Pickering and Smith voted against the proposal.

A foreshadowed motion was then put forward by councillors Johnstone and Smith that council refuse the applicants objection on the basis of:

*The development is no longer substantially the same development as approved.

*The objections raised by the applicant are generic, could be raised against any Manufactured Home Estate MHE development and are not specific to this particular site.

*The site is close to the Pacific Highway so it would be a very suitable site for a manufactured home estate as per the existing approval. The applicant objections have not proved to council satisfaction that the regulations are unreasonable or unsatisfactory.

*Council concurs with submissions that allowing the objection would increase the noise from that, that would be created by assembling a home build off-site and that this modification would not be substantially the same development.

*The shortage of skilled trades people in the region means there is not a pool of suitable qualified people to construct these homes on-site. Either local trades people would become less available for the flood reconstruction and local homeowner work, or drawn in from elsewhere, which could impact on accommodation for tourism and on affordable housing for locals.

Councillors Clancy, Day, Smith, Johnstone, Novak and Pickering voted for the motion, and it was carried.

On September 29, Stimson Urban and Regional Planning lodged an application for a review of MOD2022/0062 condition 86 to permit onsite construction with Clarence Valley Council.

The review of the development application is currently on exhibition and public submissions are invited.

Any submissions regarding the development must be in writing quoting the development application number REV2022/0003. 

Submissions close at 4pm on October 13, 2022.