Members of the team getting ready for the closing ceremony. Image: Contributed.
Grafton Scout Group Cubs attended the 6th NSW Cuboree at Cataract Scout Park, Appin near Sydney along with almost 3,000 cub scouts last week.
The Cubs took on many challenges and even outdid themselves on things that they thought that they couldn’t do. They braved the heights of a the flying fox and climbing wall, and other activities included caving, bubble ball, archery and water-slides.
Along with the four Cubs, the Grafton Group also had two Scouts attend to help run activities, a scout leader to help run the flying fox, a parent carer who helped with some of our cubs and one cub leader who was on security at the front gate,
The next Cuboree is in 2020, Cubs is for both boys and girls aged 8 to 10 years old. If you are interested please check our the website
Sue ‘Akela’ Day