Community News
The ‘Hebel’, ‘Lead Lighting’ and ‘Women’s Shed’ group members did an excellent job displaying their works at the Women’s Shed Open Day last week, unfortunately there wasn’t a huge number who took advantage of the opportunity to take a look at the group’s activities, which was very disappointing, the weather was so miserable that I guess it prevented folk from turning out. Thank you to all those who helped make a wonderful display and thanks to those who did attend. Many thanks also to Mick Burns, Allan Woods and all the other ‘Men’s Shed’ helpers for the delicious morning tea and the scrumptious sizzled sausages for lunch. Well done lads. Several visitors showed interest in joining the groups so hopefully they will follow this up and this result will make the day a success.
President Robyn has recently had an interesting visit with president Loretta of the Geelong U3A, sharing some new and innovative ideas. It’s good to hear what other clubs are doing. Our ‘Gardening Group’ enjoyed their September meeting and visit to member’s gardens last Friday, despite the wind it was a pleasant excursion. The next meeting on 23 October will be our last for 2015 and will be held at Treelands Drive Community Centre. Members have decided not to visit Woombah roses after this meeting as the roses will be past their best flush of blooms by this time. On Sunday 25 October a trip to the Bangalow markets, which is open to all U3A members and partners, is being planned. The bus will pick up at Ferry Park and Woombah and return via Byron Bay/Lennox Heads. Please contact Ros 6646 0235 ASAP to claim a seat on the bus. Sandra Gregor