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Councillors back bid for One Night Stand

A bid to bring one of the most popular youth events in the nation to Grafton has received in principle support from the Clarence Valley Council. Council Tuesday week voted to support a bid to bring ABC national radio station Triple J’s One Night Stand event to the city. One Night Stand is a one day annual event that has taken place in regional towns across Australia over the past 15 years. It is a free, all ages, drug and alcohol free event, usually consisting of five top artists, beginning in the early afternoon and finishing by 10pm. Councillors were told the number of people attending the event has ranged from 7000 in Mount Isa in 2017, 18,000 in Dubbo in 2016 and 10,000 in Cowra in 2007. Mayor, Jim Simmons, said there were a number of benefits hosting the One Night Stand, including the economic benefit by attracting visitors to Grafton. “An audience of 8000 for the event would be a conservative estimate,” he said. “If half of these are visitors, there would be an estimated economic benefit of more than $800,000. “But the benefits don’t just come from the day. In the six months leading up to the event, Triple J promotes it heavily across Australia, which would bring national recognition to the Clarence Valley. “It could also help promote some of the youth programs running at the moment.” The proposed venue is the Grafton Showground.