It’s usually a matter of merely noting the monthly works report when it is tabled at a Clarence Valley Council meeting; however, at last week’s meet Cr Jim Simmons made a personal stand as a matter of principal.
Cr Simmons is dissatisfied with the state of the road surface at the Cameron and Jubilee streets intersection in Maclean and Jubilee Street’s rutted surface on the steep incline that leads to Hillcrest and on to Townsend.
“I’m probably on my own,” he told his fellow councillors.
“It’s not a subject in the [works] maintenance report, but as a matter of principal I am not going to vote for the adoption of works reports in future until I see at least some attempt to address the condition of the intersection … and the southern entrance to Maclean.
“It’s in a disgraceful condition and it’s been like that for a long, long time.
“It’s been mentioned on a number of occasions at [community consultation] meetings that we’ve had in Maclean for the presentation of the annual plan of management, etcetera.
“It’s simply a matter of principal that I intend to vote that way.”
Another valley newspaper reported that the
mayor, Richie Williamson, said “the council could not afford to make the repairs on a section of road that will be made redundant once the highway upgrade goes through”.
This is incorrect, only part of Jubilee Street (east of Hillcrest) will be affected. It has been proposed to make this section a no through road, with the provision of foot and bicycle access.