
Jane Lawrence, Bobby Winger, Helmut Klein, Simon Worboys, Jo Worboys, and Mick Bleach.

Clarence swimmers back on track

Swim clubs contrive various events to encourage swimmers and raise funds in a fun way. A postal swim allows any associate clubs to participate in their event by having certified time keepers recording swim times and forwarding the results ‘by post’ to the initiating blub. 

The 2018 Hills Masters Swimming Club (Sydney) annual “Swimming Up Hills” postal carnival is one such event. How do you swim up a hill? Like this: Each swimmer does 3 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 2 x 1000m and 1 x 1500m. Last year our Clarence River Masters Swim Club had nine swimmers complete this 6,300km swim.  Congratulations to Kylie Duff, Jim Wheeler, Jo Worboys, Simon Worboys, Jane Lawrence, Bobbie Winger, Leonie Daley, Mick Bleach and Helmut Klein.  All received t-shirts and certificates in recognition of their efforts. 

“This is the most swimmers we have had do this postal and I would encourage more next year.  It is a great way to challenge you to compete longer distances.” Said Club President Jane Lawrence.  “We had some great times recorded, even a couple of personal best times. I hear that next year Hills have increased the total distance to 7,500km, looking forward to that!”

This should encourage those swimmers who hunger for challenges. So start training for the 2019 Swimming Up Hills challenge.

CRM members actively supported the Yamba Surf Clubs annual Ocean Swim held on January 6. Placing by members were: Mick Bleach 1st (2km); Helmut 3rd (750) and 3rd (2km); Kim Morgans 4th (750); Chris Muldoon (7th) 2km and 11th (750); Mathew Eke 9th (750); Kieran 20th (2km); Jo Worboys 3rd (2km); Jane Lawrence 3rd (2km); Jill Ennever 4th (750) and 7th (2km); Bobbie Winger 5th (2km). 

President Jane proudly announced “There was some really good times swam, and such a great effort by Chris Bleach who did both swims, and his first 2km swim. Well done everyone”.

Meanwhile a number of members are participating in the Miami Swim Carnival on February 9, always a friendly, well run Carnival. We wish them luck and look forward to their results.

Gai Pritchett

Clarence River Masters swimmers Jim Wheeler and Leonie Daley who achieved their certificate in the Swimming Up Hills challenge.
Clarence River Masters swimmer Kylie Duff who achieved her certificate in the Swimming Up Hills challenge.