Community News

Clarence River U3A

As our groups continue to roll along merrily, this might be just the right time to thank all of our wonderful group leaders who donate their time and skills so generously.

We would not be the successful organisation we are today without you.

Also, a big “Thank You” to our committee members who regularly hold meetings and work behind the scenes to keep everything flowing so smoothly.

A little history of the U3A

LEARN, LAUGH, LIVE (sounds like a good title for a book!)

The University of the 3rd Age (U3A) is a not for profit, volunteer organisation dedicated to lifelong learning! It caters particularly to retired or semi-retired people aged 50 and over.

The first U3A was established in 1973 at a university in France and was strictly academic in nature.

Since then, the concept has spread throughout the world. It has broadened out to include the sharing of other knowledge, skills and experiences in a more friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

Our own Clarence River U3A began in 2001 and has continued to grow in popularity and membership (except during 2020 and 2021 but we don’t mention the C word!)

The 30+ courses cater for all tastes and provide activities to exercise the mind and body in a fun environment. Even the fact that you get off the lounge and mix with like-minded people in a happy setting is great for mental health.

Are you tempted to join us?

Find out more on our website (then click on the 3 horizontal lines in the top left corner to gain more information regarding membership, classes etc)

Don’t have a computer? Call 0432 563 713 and I’ll do my best to steer you in the right direction. 

We’d love you see you.

Enjoy your week.

Anita Neville