Community News
Clarence River and Valley exhibitions (CRAVE) artist trail
Calling all Clarence Valley artists or local businesses who love art to get involved in the 2016 Clarence River And Valley Exhibitions (CRAVE) artist trail.
Co-ordinator of the art trail Debrah Novak is looking once again to connect artists to businesses for the duration of the Plunge Festival in April next year.
“This year we had over 80 artists ranging from sculptures, painters, photographers, musicians participate and many Clarence Valley businesses hosted a number of these local artists in their venues for a whole month.
I act like a speed dating service or mediator between the artist and the local business to try and match up what would be an interesting opportunity for the business” Ms Novak.
Angourie Rainforest Resort, Yamba Bowling Club and Ulmarra, Harwood and Lawrence Hotels were just a couple of the businesses who put their hand up to get involved in this years event.
By hosting an artist for a month it brings a different vibe to the venue and also attracts different people to the venue itself” Ms Novak said.
If you are an artist or a local business who would like to get involved in next years CRAVE artist trail contact Debrah Novak M:0402 404 606 FB: CRAVE Artist trail