
6 days done

CCDBC’s most epic challenge yet

All On Board for the 2023 Push-Up Challenge

23 Clarence Coast Dragon Boat Club members have already completed 901 push-ups in 6 days. We are well on the way to completing 3,144 push-ups from 1 to 23 June. Every push we make represents a life lost to suicide in 2021. Each day’s tally represents a Mental Health Fact.

Together, CCDBC are hoping we can make a difference and start changing this statistic for the better. You’ve got this, champions – one push at a time.  

getting it done

We also extend many thanks to Lions Yamba for contributing to the costs of our annual maintenance to our boat and trailer. Their ongoing support of CCDBC ensure our safety when towing the boat and also on the water.

We also welcome anyone who would like to come and try. We paddle from Moby Dick Boat Ramp Yamba every Wednesday and Saturday morning for one hour – 6.45 for 7am on the water.

Lesley Sutton