Emma Pritchard
The Grafton Jacaranda Festival Committee is inviting prospective 2024 Jacaranda candidates, Junior Jacaranda candidates, Matron of Honour nominees and sponsors to an information evening next week.
Hosted by the Crown Hotel Motel, the event will commence at 6pm in the Prince Social Room on March 27 and will be a unique opportunity for participants to learn about their upcoming jacaranda journeys as part of the 90th Grafton Jacaranda Festival this year.
The information evening is open to anyone who has already nominated or completed an expression of interest form, and any anyone interested in becoming a 2024 Jacaranda candidate or Junior Jacaranda candidate.
Local business representatives are also invited to attend.
Jacaranda candidates and Junior Jacaranda candidates are open to all gender identities aged between 18 and 30, and 12 to 14.
To nominate as a Jacaranda candidate, please visit https://bit.ly/2024JacarandaCandidateEOI
To nominate as a Junior Jacaranda candidate, please visit https://bit.ly/2024JuniorJacarandaCandidateEOI
To nominate as Matron of Honour, please visit https://bit.ly/2024JacarandaMOHNominationForm
Candidates will be able to choose their own title of King, Queen, or Ambassador, should they receive the honour of being crowned at the Westlawn Royal Party Crowning Ceremony on October 26.
Nominations will close on April 1.
The 2024 Grafton Jacaranda Festival will run from October 25 until November 3.