Community News

Jo Kempshall (right), supported by our hostess, Brenda Loughman, speaking of her sister, Tina Webster’s, courageous battle against breast cancer. Jo Kempshall will be hosting her “Girls Night In” event again this October – the date has yet to be confirmed. Everyone is welcome – but wearing PINK is a must! This is a celebration of all those who have survived cancer, but also those who have fought the gallant battle and lost. Image: Contributed

Cancer Council – Iluka “Girls Night In”

For the past seven years, Iluka resident, Brenda Loughman, has been opening her home and her heart to raise much needed funds for cancer research by holding a morning tea event for the Australian Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea. This year’s event raised $2,191 and was attended by approximately 55-60 ladies. A huge variety of savouries and sweets were home baked and served with coffee and tea and an amazing array of raffle prizes were all donated.

A wonderful guest speaker, Jo Kempshall, addressed the gathering and spoke of her sister, Tina Webster’s, courageous battle against breast cancer. Tina lost that battle in August 2018, but not before she left an incredible legacy which Jo is now fully committed to continuing. When Tina was diagnosed with breast cancer she wanted to do something to help others, and so she and Jo together, struck upon the idea of a fund-raiser which they called “Girls Night In”. The first event was held in October 2015 and has steadily grown to become a “must attend” event in Iluka. Jo’s and Tina’s fundraising initiative has been so successful that in March Jo was invited by the Cancer Council to attend the Cancer Research Awards which announced $9 million of funding for 13 different categories of cancer research.

The community of Iluka is extremely proud to have such dedicated residents as Brenda Loughman and Jo Kempshall. We salute you ladies and thank you for your tireless efforts in the fight against cancer.

Christine Wissink