Local News

Calling all skaters and scooters – Yamba’s Kick Flips and Tail Whips Skate and Scooter competition is on!

The Kick Flips and Tail Whips skateboard and scooter competition will be held in the Yamba Skate Park in the school holidays on Monday, September 26.

Registration is open to skateboard and scooter riders for various age divisions. The event is being organised by the Getting It Together youth team of the not-for-profit organisation Social Futures, in collaboration with Clarence Valley Council. 

Sign up starts at 11am, with the comp set to start at 11.30am. 

In case of bad weather check the Clarence Valley Youth page for updates on the event:  https://www.facebook.com/clarencevalleyyouth

Social Futures Getting It Together Team Leader Kiara McBeath said the competition was aimed at beginner, intermediate and advanced riders and would provide a platform for young people of all skill levels to take part and showcase their moves. 

“I know there are a lot of skateboards and scooters out there with impressive skills and expertise and this will also give Yamba a chance to see them in action” Ms McBeath said. 

“We’ve named the comp after skateboarding and scooter manoeuvres – a kick flip is when a skateboard rider kicks the board while jumping so that the board spins 360-degrees before the riders again lands on it. 

“A tail whip is when a scooter rider jumps in the air and kicks the deck around the handlebars in full rotation, then lands back on the deck in its original position. 

“I can’t wait to see both of these done by our local riders.” 

Grafton’s Low Pressure Surf Co have also kindly donated prizes for the competition.

Skaters and scooters can register ahead of the event at EventBrite –

https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/kick-flips-and-tail-whips-skateboarding-and-scooter-competition tickets-411706584