Angourie Community Coastcare (ACC) held its monthly working on Easter Monday April 1 at Green Point.
This particular working bee is known as the “Easter Senna Bash”. It targets an infestation of the weed, Easter Senna (or Cassia). Vice President Imelda Jennings thanked all the attendees for their work.
Imelda said, “Thirteen volunteers had perfect weather conditions and a very scenic location at Green Point for the “Bash”. The group removed about 400 weeds, mainly the senna, but also bitou bush, white passionfruit and hairy passionfruit, lantana, and cherry guava.” Chocolate Easter eggs finished off the working bee.
The next working bee will be held on May 16. Residents and visitors are invited to join our volunteer group.
For further information contact Imelda on 0428 621 565.