ABOVE: Ros Hippisley (right) was farewelled at a luncheon after bowls and presented with a posy and card full of good wishes, by president Robyn McPherson. Image: Contributed.
Ros Hippisley, much valued member of Yamba Women’s Bowling Club for the past 12 years, was bid a fond farewell on Thursday, March 23, her final day at bowls before she and husband Frank head south to be closer to their family.
Ros has served the club well, both on the green in Pennants and Championships, and has served as a selector in her time at the club. She and Frank have also travelled to support our teams when they have represented the club in other parts of the state, which players have always appreciated.
While we will certainly miss this lovely lady, we wish her and Frank a long and happy life with their family, and that they can continue to enjoy the friendship of the bowling fraternity in their new home.
It was fitting, then, that Ros skipped Joy Unicomb and Marg Wall when they were drawn for the lucky consolation Bowlo Bucks in her final game on the 23rd.
Winners on the day was Kerry Pedder’s Yamba White Pennant side, while the runners up was the pairing of Helen Atkinson and Wendy Ballantyne.
On Tuesday 21st, another of our visiting Pennant teams, skipped by Michelle Swan from Iluka went home with the consolation bucks, and runners up were Peg Wales and Glenda Davis.
Having a bye in Pennant that day, the two teams in the Yamba Blues had a practice game and Judy Button’s team was also drawn as the lucky rink winner.
They were preparing for their crucial game last Thursday against the other Yamba side in that grade, and what a game it was! The large crowd was treated to a cliff hanger and some great bowls. With the Whites leading by one shot on the big board and one end to go, the Blues held the equalising shot until the Whites moved the jack and came out with the win, which also meant they won the flag. As always, please consult the CRDWBA notes for full details.
Congratulations to both sides on a terrific battle, and well done to the Yamba Whites.
Our Grade 2 Pennant team is just entering the second round of their competition, and are well placed near the top of the ladder. They have just had their 2nd Round bye, and with four games to play will take on Maclean at home on Tuesday 28th, and travel to Grafton Services on Thursday 30th.
Social bowls will now be boosted with the completion of the Grade 3 Pennant competition, and hopefully some continuing fine weather.
Wendy Ballantyne