Community News

Past scholarship recipient, Rebecca Mathieson (red shirt) received a surprise visit in December by Clarence MP Chris Gulaptis and Deputy Premier John Barilaro (far right). She is pictured with the Whiddon Group Grafton’s Director of Care Services Sandra Osborne and Head Chef, Martin Hodgson. Image: Contributed

$15,000 scholarships on offer

Apprentices in the Clarence and Richmond Valleys who need a helping hand should consider applying for a NSW Government $15,000 Bert Evans Scholarship, Clarence Nationals MP Chris Gulaptis advised young locals this week.

“Undertaking an apprenticeship can lead to a rewarding career and I’m pleased we are lending a hand to support those young people who might be facing hardship in achieving this,” Mr Gulaptis said.

Worth $15,000 over three years, the Bert Evans scholarships help apprentices with fees and costs incurred during their apprenticeship.

“Last year I had the pleasure of meeting local scholarship recipient, Rebecca Mathieson of Grafton with the Deputy Premier John Barilaro when we surprised her with a visit at her workplace, the Whiddon Group.

“Rebecca works as a mature-age apprentice chef at the aged care facility.  She loves her job and was thrilled to win one of 50 scholarships on offer across the state.

“I certainly encourage other first year apprentices like Rebecca who might need a helping hand to apply for one of the latest scholarship on offer,” Mr Gulaptis.

As well as hardship, applicants also need to show they have a positive attitude as well as the professional aptitude to successfully complete their training.

To lodge an application, visit or phone 13 28 11 to contact your local Training Services NSW Office.