Lynne Mowbray |
Despite heavy cloud cover on Friday and a few showers over the weekend, the 115th Maclean Highland Gathering, went ahead without incident.
Lower Clarence Scottish Association Chief Peter Smith said that overall the weekend went well.
“The only issue we had was that the solo events which were held at the showground on Friday, had to be moved under cover at the top of the hill (the events are usually held down by the river’s edge),” Mr Smith said.
“The Ceilidh on Friday night had quite a good crowd attend and the (gold coin) donations were good.
“Last year’s crowds were down (on the Saturday) and a lot (of people) kept away due to the lack of facilities caused by a storm earlier in the year.
“Overall there were good crowds this year all round.
“Gate takings for Saturday’s events at the showground were above average and numbers were up in both the dancing entries and the Highland Sports.
“We’d like to thank all our volunteers, supporters, sponsors (especially the Clarence Valley Council) as well as the general public, for supporting the 2019 Maclean Highland Gathering,” he said.