Yamba’s special day for Green Keepers
The Northern Rivers Green Keepers Advisory Council conducted a bowls day at the Yamba Bowling and Recreation Club on Tuesday with 168 bowlers taking to the Greens for what was a terrific day of bowls, festivities and friendship.
The day was hosted by the Yamba green keepers Graeme Brown, Nathan Curtis and Tony Adermann. The day would not have been the success it was without the support of the Yamba bowlers, the generosity of the event sponsors: Prestige Skip Bins, Lawn and Landscape; One Stop Tyre and Automotive Yamba; Yamba Ready Hire; SEA Numbers Accounting and the Yamba Fisho. We also send out a special mention for the work of Cheryl, Gabby and ‘Maz’ for their tireless efforts on the day.
Don Freeman