
Who didn’t come down in the last shower?


Thanks for the very well-researched letter in the latest C.V. Independent (26/6/24) by Dr Judith McNeill of the Lower Clarence Research Group about home insurance trends in Grafton and Yamba.

This local Research Group’s findings are very important for anyone living on a flood plain because 100% of 7,020 Grafton properties examined are now considered to be High Risk Properties and 56.63% of 5,428 Yamba properties examined are now also considered to be High Risk Properties.

Now that the Clarence Valley Local Government Area (LGA) has been identified as being in the top 3 LGA’s in NSW with the highest flood and cyclone risk in the social, economic and natural environments, what have you already done if you didn’t come down in the last shower? Well, you’ve already let your Clarence Valley councillors know in no uncertain terms that, because of increasing climate pollution, you don’t want any more new estates built on the Clarence flood plain.

And if you don’t want your house insurance premiums to continue to rise because of ever increasing flooding due to climate pollution, you now start to only vote for political parties that are serious about adequately addressing climate pollution before it’s too late.

Then your children or grandchildren, still too young to vote for their future world, will be happy to know you have voted to protect the world they have inherited from you. 

 Harry Johnson, Iluka